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The continuous improvement of the supplied services and the constant search of new solutions are one of the points hinge of the business Mission Unitec. This continuous search of migliorative solutions in terms of efficiency has carried to us to consider the strategic employment of the newest existing technologies of communication. It has turned out that the management of industrial supplyings that is taken advantage of these technologies catches up the top of the evolutionary scale of the field. The immediate benefits are easy documentabili and those to mean and long term are pianificabili and sure.
of Vincenzo Marino & Dario Brignone

The optimization of the managerial procedures and supplying needs in good part of instruments effective and innovated to you. For being able to catch up it objects you as the time and cost reduction is necessary to comprise and to adopt new means and able technologies to eliminate the problematic ones tied to the communication and to optimize the carried out job, to the inside of the enterprise, from several the offices acquires, supplying and warehouse.
The sharing in real time of the information reduces the number of communications is to the inside that to the outside of the company, with one consequent drastic lessening of all the relative costs you (telephone, fax, hours job), of the times of supplying and the follow-up.
The creation and the proposal of effective solutions based on the new technologies are one of the primary scopes of Unitec. From always Unitec it has invested understood them and resources it assigns you research and development of instruments is left over to you managerial and informed to you.

Unitec entire has a sophisticated software, developed from just the team of programmatori, in a position to managing all is made of the Supply Chain Management. Every operation is managed from the computer science system: from the recording of the customers and the suppliers, to the management of the demands, from the reception of offering to the emission of orders, invoices and report.
The graphical aspect and works them has been cured in the minimums particular in order to concur one fast and above all intuitiva consultation. This is a fundamental factor in how much from this depends rapidity of execution, control and above all the reduction of the incidence of the human error.
This instrument allows one efficient, sure and extraordinarily fast management of all the tasks. In 90 % of the cases the demand-offer-emissions of orders happen little hours to the inside of one day.
All it is in continuous evolution, in order to support the new requirements of the market and the demands for the customer.

The understanding and the development of the Internet technologies based are one of object to you primary of the activity of Unitec search. Just thanks to the acquired technical acquaintances in this field are been born Unitec Services & Web Limited liability company, created society in order to develop new managerial instruments bases to you on the Internet technologies and to integrate them in the offer of the services hi-tech that Unitec proposes to the own customers in the optical of the optimization of the costs.
Unitec, in collaboration with Unitec Services & Web (, has developed a series of Internet-based solutions dedicated to the offices acquires and agencies connect to you, for industrial supplying via Internet and the management of warehouse.
The objective is that one to face and to resolve one immense range of problems of the agencies buyers to the aim to catch up the optimization of the procedures through following step:
  • Cost reduction of management (fax, telephone, hours job and communications);
  • Consolidation and reduction of the cartacea documentation;
  • Improvement of the recording and reperibilit� of documents and information;
  • Conversion of the modality of communication from sincrona (telephone) to asynchronous (email);
  • Improvement and drastic reduction of the follow up;
  • Independence of the emplacements of job from their physical lease;
  • Homogeneity and condivisibilit� of the information;

They have been developed various the following applications for activities: Purchases, Supplying, Warehouse, Tracking and Reporting.
The application dedicated to the Offices Purchases allows to today interrogate in real containing Time database 31,258 articles of 2.224 various suppliers (dawned constantly), with relative multilingual description, and to emit in real time from whichever place of the world, to whichever hour and in whichever language, demands for supply. In case the article or the supplier was not present in the database is however possible to send to the demand through one dedicated procedure.
The possibility to emit demanded via Internet concurs to drastically replace the traditional managerial mass media and like paper, fax and telephone, reducing the supplying costs. Ulterior savings are obtained consolidating the demands, that is to have the possibility to demand more with an only procedure produced than supplying various. This contributes to catch up the optimization of the costs thanks to the dramatic reduction of the cartacei document production like fax and other communications.
The job emplacement is available ovunque and in way personalized and therefore independent from the physical place in which it is found. Also in case of indisponibilit� of one determined job emplacement, it does not come compromised the continuity and the usabilit� of the service and, above all, integrity of give to you. These arguments are one of the fundamental presupposed ones for the introduction of the telelavoro.
It is possible to emit demanded of supply and/or supplying via Internet in absolutely innovative, simple and intuitivo way. It is like using the undercarriage of the expense! Little moments are enough in order to try and to find the interest constructor and to select relati to you articles to demand. The chosen articles will come therefore immessi in a list that can be visualized, be modified in the amounts, or cancelled anytime.
It is not necessary to emit the richesta immediately. In fact, if the demand does not come sended, the list will not be cancelled and will remain at a distance to disposition for other sessions of job... also of days or from other emplacements of job.
As far as supplyings the demand happens like for the purchases, but on base of they give to you supplied from the customer. The delegated agencies as the maintenance or the warehouse can send demanded for the article resupply of frequent I reorder. The office purchases receives therefore, if necessary, communication of the demands sended from the agencies directly to the supplier.
All the customers can, in function of the own necessities and the degree of qualification, to bring up to date themselves in real time and to carry out the tracking of the procedures in course, that is:
  • Issued demands;
  • Demanded state elaboration;
  • Directory of the offered ones;
  • Terms of delivery;
  • Issued orders;
  • Shipments;
  • Bubbles;
  • Invoicing;

Great attention and cure have been turned to the reporting. Thanks to this application all the customers in function of their degree of qualification can receive report every day, weeklies magazine or salaries of the procedures in course. The reporting it can static or dynamic and therefore be dawned in real Time. All these operations are always accessible anytime from whichever place independently from the emplacement of job and therefore also during meeting, reunions and travels.
The type of reporting is personalizzabile in function of the informative necessities and can be is in graphical format that to tabellare. It is possible in function of give to you available, to elaborate statistics of operating character, works them and organizational.

An ulterior and revolutionary innovation consists in the introduction of the VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE: this concept consists in the possibility from part of various plants of an industrial group, or making part of various industrial groups, to share an only virtual warehouse based on real supplyes.
Such supplyes are subdivided physically between several the participants to the plan, but condivisibili logistically from all.
In this way the knowledge of having greater emergency of supply is had allowing at the same time the reduction of the single supplyes under business the minimal point historical.

Near the serveur dedicated of unitec ( demonstrative version is available one completely working. It is possible to demand a password of access to the following deliveries:
Unitec D
High-tech-industrieprodukte VERTRIEBS GmbH
Leipziger Strasse 19
D 86368 Gersthofen
Tel. 0049 821 247960
Fax 0049 821 2479678
Unitec Services & Web S.r.l.
Via Carlo Alberto n.17
04016 - SABAUDIA (LT)
Tel. 0039 0773 512022
Fax 0039 0773 511382

Member of DIN ISO 9001 Unitec