The evolutions in action are to the inside of the enterprises, it is on the markets are fruit of
a distance already in action for a long time and finiranno with the being only one phase of transition.
In order to comprise the tendencies odierne it must comprise the evolutions passages.
The attention analytics and of argument
will have naturally to be centered on the today and the possible lines of tendency, however, also in making this is indispensable
to have some elements of " historical background ", in order to operate
comparisons and to gain tendencies. Our analysis begins in years ' 50 in which comes introduced in the supermarkets Americans
a method of riapprovigionamento of the goodses completely new: from the products it debits you to the case comes decided
the order of the products that will replace them.
In this way, they are the effective sales that " commission
" supplyings directly.
Taiichi Ohno , engineer to the Toyota , leaving from the
observation of the management of the stocks realized in the aforesaid supermarkets Americans developed in Nippon the
The literal translation in Italian is " cartellino ", in fact the laborers do not make other that to
compile a cartellino in which comes brought back the amount and the type of pieces it captures to you.
The replacements,
therefore, come reorder to you to the units to mount or the external suppliers after the collection of cartellini, the that
is after that if of manifest real requirement.
Previously instead every thing it came rigidly programmed from the bureaucracy,
that it defined the supplyes centrally, that is the "stocks" of pieces of every type to store.
All this but involved the
necessity to stop high amount of goodses in warehouse in order to make forehead to eventual unexpected increases of the
ordered ones to you, to defects or variations of the question of the products. Diseconomie of the order of the 80 for hundreds
regarding the saving of supplyes realized with the method were created therefore of " cartellino ".
In years ' 60 in Toyota they take to body first applications JIT.
The same Taiichi Ohno, than on the base of the Kanban
develops a new method of production centralized on the elimination of wastes and the dead times.
In practical the Kanban
production of type JIT ends with representing used means in order to make circular the information in one.
The JIT represents the birth of a business philosophy that concurs to control:
- Entity of the supplyes:
the sovradimensionamento is pure waste of raw materials and energies (in order to realize them)
and of spaces (for storing) - Conformity of the quality of the products and members:
the refuse represents one waste of
raw materials time machine, labor, energy for the transformation.
To the end of 60 years ' such new method of production begins to being adopted in USA where it comes coined term JIT (just in Time) with these motivations:
- To produce the finished products hardly in time in order to deliver them.
- To produce the semifinished ones hardly in time in order to use them.
- To acquire the materials to the outside hardly in time in order to transform them.
Such period that is begun to not only mean the warehouse like mere warehouse; the management of the warehouse begins to being conceived in various way beginning to take conscience of the costs that it generates and of the strategic importance that it covers in the corporate structure.
In period 70-73 it is assisted to drammati increments to us of the price of the raw materials (primes from the so-called oil shock) with consequent most serious repercussions on one industry to you employee " in toto " from the imports, which that Japanese.
The management Japanese it understands then that in order to survive to the international competition, more efficient management of the resources must put into effect one based on the fight to wastes and turns to the continuous improvement. That door to one capillary spread of the JIT and TQC 25 , with relative consequences:
- ability to produce volumes elevates to you of the intentional quality to prices absolutely competiti to you;
- nearly ossessiva search to reduce lessened the supplyes in warehouse heading to the obbiettivo "supplyes zero".
In such context it is of obligation a optimization of the management of the warehouse, as an example assists therefore to
the introduction of new technologies for the movimentazione of the goods in entrance and escape (raw materials, semifinished,
or finished product that it is) independently from the characteristics of the supply chain.
Regarding Japan, in the West
instead the JIT it has found it hard to assert itself, above all because it is not simply " pure organizational-managerial
technique ", but one true and own culture of enterprise based for how much possible one:
- on the decisional decentralization with delegations also to the level of single operator (than chip ax of good degree and
it is conscious of its role);
- on the necessity to predispose entire business system in one logical JIT;
- on relatively simple a productive model.
That is in antite flood to the centralistica vision and deresponsabilizzante
of the western business culture for which the barycentre is represented does not give the individual, but from the system
(often much complex).
To introduce the JIT necessarily demands therefore a wide involvement of the maestranze involving
the acceptance of principles generates them that they must come translate in not generalizzabili and typical organizational
facts of every productive truth.
A such approach involves some not negligible peculiarities:
- The organizational improvement is fruit of the small contributions of many and not of the great and expensive innovations
studied from the little.
- The involvement on the problems of the company not only must be extended to all the hierarchical
levels (and to the manager).
- The introduction of the innovation must change from the western outline prettamente, that
it previews short times of idea and long and uncertain times much for the realization, to the Japanese outline that
has long times medium for the ideazione (in how much is involved the many subjects to the change) and relatively short times,
but almost sure, for the realization. In absence of this new mentality the company will continue to demonstrate one low
propensione, if not just a substantial inability, to enter in fundamental logic of the "continuous innovation" and indeed
often will be capacity to refuse it for the long times of performance generates you from the passive resistances of subjects
been involved and not available for lack of an adapted preliminary phase of acculturamento to the problem.
Causes of such reasons that the American JIT and that Japanese differ for presupposed of bottom absolutely various.
In fact:
The JIT USA has one merely nature origin financial institution.
The Japanese JIT is one true and own
revolution of the concept of management of the production turns also to obtain fallen back positive on the depositor o
f the business economy.
In the years the 70 enterprises begin to entrust to external suppliers some productions
that before came carried out in own house.
That one that we can define the "controlled restructure",
with productive decentralization happens and first elements of "terziarizzazione". In this phase they begin the processes
of technological-organizational restructure of the great enterprise. The number of the medium-small enterprises increases
remarkablly and north-Italians begin themselves to catch a glimpse the caratteristi features of the industrial districts.
He arrives himself therefore to Years 80: years of the restructure and terziarizzazione.
It is assisted to the adoption of the Just in Time for the assembly lines.
Moreover the processes begin in years 70 find their full development to you: the " terziarizzazione " is
asserted is in its meant "macro" (prevalence of the occupation in the terziario), is in that one "micro", of
"terziarizzazione of activity" from part of the great enterprises (not only industrial).
In years ' 90
it begins a progressive process of integration of the actors of the supply chain in which the enterprise
tries to delegate the management of the supplyes to thirds party to the aim to diminish the costs and to
be able to concentrate itself with greater freedom on just Core business.
Such process we can therefore
synthetize it:
from the beginnings of years ' 90, the suppliers construct the own plants in the immediate
vicinities of the customer;
from 1995 to the suppliers they come assigns you of the spaces to the inside of
the plants and their production meets directly in the systems automati us of assembly;
In 2000 to the suppliers
it comes demanded of being in a position to assuming the role of active partner in the definition and development of the
business strategies and to contribute to the attainment of objects to you economic.
- Note 25: Total Quality Control.